2014. aasta Fortumo stipendium
Kristine Leetberg
Dmitri TšumaK
Andre Tättar
Rodion Krjutškov
Joonas Puura
Stipendiumile saavad kandideerida matemaatika-informaatikateaduskonna 2. aasta bakalaureuseõppe üliõpilasele, kes omavad silmapaistvaid tulemusi õppetöös ning on aktiivsed informaatikaalases teadus- ja arendustegevuses.
Välja antakse viis 2000 euro suurust stipendiumi.
Stipendiumile kandideeriv üliõpilane peab vastama järgmistele tingimustele:
- väga hea õppeedukus (kaalutud keskmine hinne on vähemalt 4,0)
- valmisolek kohtuda Fortumo OÜ esindajatega.
Taotluse esitamise tähtaeg on 1. oktoober 2014
Stipendiumiotsus selgub 15. oktoobriks
Täpsem informatsioon: tysiht@ut.ee, tel 737 5852 või 55 540 773 (Triin Vakker)
The scholarship is intended for second-year bachelor’s level students in the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science who have shown outstanding academic results and are active in computer science research and development.
Five scholarships in the amount of 2,000 euros each will be awarded for one academic year.
Candidates for the scholarship must meet the following requirements:
- very high academic achievement (weighted average grade of at least 4.0);
- willingness to meet with the representatives of Fortumo OÜ.In order to apply for the scholarship, students must submit the following documents to the Management Board of the University of Tartu Foundation: an electronic application through the foundation’s website, including a curriculum vitae, a summary of the student’s social and academic work, and a reference from a teacher.
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