2012.a. Lithuanian Scholarship — Tartu Ülikooli Sihtasutus

2012.a. Lithuanian Scholarship

2012. aastal pälvis Leedu üliõpilaste stipendiumi Lukas Pukelis, TÜ sotsiaal- ja haridusteaduskonna üliõpilane.


Tartu University Foundation announces the scholarship for Lithuanian students in the amount of 640 EUR

Applicants must submit the following:
  1. application (form);
  2. CV ;
  3. recommendation from faculty or supervisor;
  4. transcript of records (two last semesters) or first year students - copy of the diploma supplement of the preceding study level.
Documents must be submitted to the Tartu University Foundation by May 1, 2012 either by e-mail to tysiht@ut.ee or by post to Ülikooli 18, Tartu 50090

For further information please contact ruth.kotsar@ut.ee