Funds — Tartu Ülikooli Sihtasutus


The University of Tartu Museum Fund
The purpose of this fund is to collect donations to the University of Tartu Museum and to support activities that are related to the museum.
The Geology specialty fund of the University of Tartu
The aim of the fund is to collect donations to the Department of Geology of the University of Tartu and to support activities that are related to the department.
Estonian Higher Music Education promotion fund
The purpose of this fund is to collect donations to promote and support Estonian higher music education and to support the students and student organizations involved in higher music education.
Ahti Pae Scholarship Fund
This scholarship was intended to support bachelor level students (starting from 3th year) from the Faculty of Social Sciences of the University of Tartu who study journalism and communication, economics, law, political science or sociology.
IKT Scholarship Fund
The aim of this fund is to collect donations to support successful students from the Institute of Computer Science of the University of Tartu in their studies and research. Students from all academic degrees of the Institute of Computer Science are eligible to apply.
Puhk-Mörner Scholarship Fund
The aim of the scholarship is to support research in the field of history, law and especially in the field of legal history at the University of Tartu. Master's and doctoral level students whose research is related to law or history are eligible to apply. 
The 7th Pillar Fund Scholarship of the University of Tartu
The Seventh Pillar Fund Scholarship aim is to support outstanding students of University of Tartu referring to the seventh pillar as the pillar of wisdom. The scholarship is intended for outstanding bachelor (from 2nd year), masters and doctoral level students of the University of Tartu.
Professor Ilmar Rebane Scholarship Fund
The aim of this scholarship is to collect and mediate donations to students from the School of Law of the University of Tartu in their studies and research work. Bachelor (starting from 3th year), masters and doctoral level students of the of the School of Law are eligible to apply.
Ruth Käbin Scholarship Fund
The aim of this scholarship is to support successful Medicine programme students of the University of Tartu in their studies and research; support students exchange program with other countries for study and research purposes and to support the Estonian Medical Students’ Association to participate in the activities of international organizations. Applications can be submitted by all integrated Bachelor's and Master's studies students from the Faculty of Medicine and by the Estonian Medical Students’ Association.
Professor Paul Saagpakk Scholarship
The scholarship will be awarded to one student studying under the curricula of Estonian language and to one student studying under the curricula of English language as the main subject. This scholarship can be applied by students in their final year of bachelor's studies and by master's level students for their previous study results.
Lithuanian Scholarship
The International Students Fund Lithuanian sub-fund provides financial assistance to Lithuanian students studying and conducting research at the University of Tartu. Applications for grants can be submitted by Lithuanian students who are studying or will start studying at the University of Tartu.
Paul and Marta Lannus Scholarship Fund
The scholarship is intended to support students studying geology and geography in the University of Tartu and / or to support students who are doing a research in the field of Estonian contemporary history in their studies and research.
Professor Marika Mikelsaar Scholarship
The aim of this scholarship is to collect and mediate donations and grants to successful bachelor's, master's and doctoral level students from the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Tartu who have made a significant contribution to research on medical microbiology in the current year.
Ole Golubjatnikov Memorial Scholarship
The purpose of this scholarship is to popularise the learning of the medical technology specialty at the University of Tartu. Students in their final year of Bachelor's studies who are planning to continue their studies in the Master's program under the curriculum of Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering and also Master's level students form the same field are eligible to apply.
Peeter Põld Scholarship
This scholarship is created to memorize Peeter Põld and to popularize the field of pedagogy. The purpose of this scholarship is to contribute to the recognition of the teaching profession in Estonia and to support pedagogy specialty students in their studies and research. 
Telders scholarship
To support the Team Estonia in Telders International Law Moot Court Competition
Professor Atko-Meeme Viru Scholarship
The aim of this scholarship is to support the doctoral candidates, young scientists and lecturers of the University of Tartu who have achieved outstanding results in the field of exercise and sport sciences.
Andres and Mari Tarand Scholarship Fund
The aim of this scholarship is to contribute to raising the quality of education by supporting outstanding master's level students from the University of Tartu, who carry out their research in the border of different disciplines, are doing an interdisciplinary research.
Carl Schmidt Scientific Award
The purpose of the award is to encourage investigations on the historical development of chemistry and medicine at Tartu University. Applications for the award can be submitted by researchers, whose investigations are related to the history of chemistry and medicine at Tartu University and who have published a monograph or a series of articles related to the objective of the award.
Arno Mägi Scholarship
The scholarship is intended for bachelor's, master's and doctoral level students from the School of Law of the University of Tartu who have outstanding achievements in their studies and research work.
August Paris Scholarship Fund
The aim of this scholarship is to support master's level students of the Institute of Chemistry of the University of Tartu whose studies or research is related to environmental protection.
Eesti Rahvuskomitee Ühendriikides stipendiumi Fond
Tartu Ülikoolis eesti rahvuslikke küsimusi või väliseestlust käsitleva õppe-, teadus- ning ühiskondliku tegevuse eest määratav stipendium.
Dr. Leander-Georg Vehiku stipendiumi Fond
Toetada õppe- ja teadustöös edukaid Tartu Ülikooli arstiteaduskonna üliõpilasi.
Estraveli reisisihi stipendium
Tartu Ülikooli kõikide teaduskondade vahetusüliõpilaste toetamine nende õppe- ja teadusreisidel, kui reisisihiks on Tartu Ülikooliga lepingulises suhtes olev ülikool.
Ernst Jaaksoni mälestusfond Tartu Ülikoolis
Toetada välismaal kraadiõppes õpinguid või teadusuuringuid jätkavaid eesti soost doktorante, teadureid ja õppejõude, et kasvatada tugev akadeemiline järelkasv Tartu Ülikooli teadlaskonnale.
CWT Estonia (Kaleva Traveli) reisistipendiumi Fond
Magistrantide ja doktorantide toetamiseks nende õppereisidel.
Eduard ja Eero Raig Scholarship Fund
The scholarship is intended for students who study law or economics in the University of Tartu. Bachelor's, master's and doctoral level students from the School of Law and from the School of Economics and Business Administration of the University of Tartu are eligible to apply.
Heino Kruse Scholarship Fund
The purpose of this scholarship is to promote scientific research in the field of medical science and to support young researchers and students from the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Tartu in their scientific research in both Estonian and foreign universities. Students and researchers from all academic degrees from the Faculty of Medicine are eligible to apply.
Hilda ja Harry Mägi stipendiumi Fond
Eesti soost noorteadlaste ja kraadiõppurite arstiteaduslike õpingute ja uurimistööde toetamiseks
Johannes Voldemar Veski stipendiumi Fond
Stipendiumiga toetatakse eesti keelt peaainena õppivaid 3. või 4. aasta üliõpilasi või magistrande.
Erich Rannu Family Scholarship
The purpose of the scholarship is to improve the study of economics at the University of Tartu by encouraging students to apply their skills and knowledge to ethical economic activity in Estonia. Students from all academic degrees of the Faculty of Economics are eligible candidates, as well as students from the Institute of Computer Science studying economics as an additional specialty, to apply their knowledge in ethical economic activities in Estonia.
Eugen Püssi stipendiumi Fond
Stipendium arstiteaduskonna üliõpilasele materiaalseks toetuseks.
Gerda Spohr Scholarship Fund
The aim of this scholarship is supporting the studies and research of the graduate students from the physics specialty of the University of Tartu whose studies or research is related to environmental protection.
Fred Kudu stipendium
Õppetöös ja kergejõustiku edendamises silmapaistvaid tulemusi omava TÜ kehakultuuriteaduskonna üliõpilase toetamiseks.
Child Clinical Research Fund
The aim of this fund is to collect and mediate donations to support research in the field of child clinical research in the University of Tartu. Doctoral level students, physicians and lectors from the Faculty of Medicine conducting a research in the field of child clinical research that has been published or submitted for publication in the current year are eligible to apply.
Lennart Meri teadustöö auhind
Eesti riiki, kultuuri või ühiskonda käsitlevate magistritööde või muude teadustööde eest antav preemia.
Toomas Lapi Mälestusfond
Üliõpilastele, noortele teadlastele, kelle uurimisvaldkonnaks on Põhjamaad ja Põhjamaade ilukirjanduse eestindajatele.
Karl and Erika Inno Scholarship Fund
The aim of this scholarship is to capture the memory of Karl Inno, former economics lecturer of the University of Tartu by supporting students in the field of economy and encouraging the development of joint activities.The scholarship is intended for bachelor and masters level students of the Faculty of Economics who are focused on the field of banking or accounting. Students whose research topic is related to cooperation and its development are preferred.
Reet Montonen Memorial Scholarship
The Reet Montonen Memorial Scholarship was established by her friends and colleagues to commemorate child psychologist Reet Montonen and to encourage future psychologists to continue her work. The aim of this fund is to support successful master and doctoral level psychology students who are specialized or specializing in the field of child clinical psychology.
Raivo Vare Scholarship Fund
The scholarship is intended for master's and doctoral level students from the School of Law of the University of Tartu who have outstanding achievements in their studies and are doing a research in the field of constitutional law.
Lev Vassiljevi mälestusstipendium
Stipendium on mõeldud kartograafia valdkonnaga tegelevatele magistrantidele ja doktorantidele Tartu Ülikoolis ja Eesti Maaülikoolis.
Perekond von Tschishevsky mälestusfond
Stipendium on mõeldud Tartu Ülikooli Pärnu kolledźi edukate üliõpilaste toetamiseks nende õppe- ja teadustöös nii Eesti kui ka teistes maailma ülikoolides.
Edith Reiman Scholarship
The scholarship aim is to motivate socially active students to tie their research with the following values and to promote these values in Estonia through societal and social activities: democracy, justice, rule of law and economic prosperity. Master level female students from the Faculty of Arts and Humanities and from the Faculty of Social Sciences are eligible to apply. The Scholarship is funded by Korp! Indla, the second oldest Estonian sorority.
Professor Olevi Kull Memorial Fund
The goal of the Fund is to provide travel stipends for last-year undergraduate and graduate students, and postdoctoral scientists in the fields of plant ecophysiology, forest ecology, and ecosystem ecology, to attend international conferences, or to conduct research at foreign research institutions. The stipend must advance Estonian forest ecology research on global scale. Foreign scientists may also apply for travel support from the Fund if they propose to lecture and interact with Estonian ecology students.
Heinz Martin Ederma Scholarship Fund
The aim of this scholarship is to support a student from the University of Tartu who is specialized on organic synthesis.
Heidi-Ingrid Maaroosi stipendiumi Fond
Kliinilise meditsiini valdkonnas teadustööd tegevate põhiõppe üliõpilaste toetuseks.
Karine ja Martin Koobase stipendiumi Fond
Eesti kultuuri edendamine eesti ja soome-ugri filoloogia põhiõppe üliõpilaste toetamise kaudu.
Lydia ja Felix Krabi Scholarship Fund
The purpose of the scholarship is to recognize studies in the field of natural sciences. Students from all academic degrees of the Faculty of Science and Technology majoring in the following subject fields are invited to apply: biology, ecology, geography, and geology.
Nadia Walter Scholarship Fund
The purpose of this scholarship is to support the doctoral candidates and young scientists of the Faculty of Medicine of the University whose research is focused on nervous diseases, in particular neurodegenerative diseases.
Voldemar Siimoni Mälestusfond
Etnoloogia ja läänemeresoome ning eesti keele eriala üliõpilaste toetuseks. Muudel võrdsetel tingimustel eelistatakse Saaremaal sündinuid ja kasvanuid.
Olev ja Talvi Maimetsa stipendium
Infektsioonhaiguste ja rakubioloogia alase õppe toetamiseks Tartu Ülikoolis.
Perekond Maimetsa stipendium EMTA üliõpilasele
Eesti Muusika- ja Teatriakadeemia üliõpilaste toetuseks.
Udo Mällo Scholarship
The aim of this scholarship is to support successful students from all public universities in their studies and research.
Flory and Erik Kalve Scholarship Fund
The aim of this scholarship is to support the scientific research and studies of the master's candidates, doctoral candidates and research fellows of the School of Economics and Business Administration of the University of Tartu.
Liisa Kolumbuse Mälestusfond
Eesti päritolu teadlaste ja üliõpilaste arstiteaduslike uuringute ja õpingute toetamine.
Valter Niiluse stipendiumi Fond
Tartu Ülikoolis läänemeresoome keelte uurimisvaldkonnas õppivate tudengite ja kraadiõppuriteende toetamine nende õppe- ja teadustöös ning premeerida selle valdkonnaga tegelevaid teadlasi või teadlast.
Andreas ja Elmerice Traksi stipendium
Arstiteaduskonna doktorantide, teadustööd tegevate arst-residentide ning majandus ja sotsiaalteaduskonna poliitilis-riiklike erialade magistrantide ja doktorantide toetuseks.
Ants ja Maria Silvere ning Sigfried Panti mälestusfond
Majanduslikku abi vajavate Tartu Ülikooli üliõpilaste ja edasiõppijate toetuseks.
Jüri Uluots Scholarship Fund
Riigiõiguse, kohaliku omavalitsuse õiguse, riigiteaduste ning riikluse ja õiguse ajaloo alase teadustöö toetuseks.  the master's candidates, doctoral candidates, research fellows, and lecturers of the Faculty of Economics of the University of Tartu to build the strong academic legacy of economic sciences in Estonia. The aim of the Memorial Foundation is to support research in the field of constitutional law, local government law, state sciences, history of statehood and law in order to raise a strong academic background for the research community of the University of Tartu.The scholarship or fellowships are awarded once every two years. The scholarship recipient must be a doctoral student from the University of Tartu or a researcher or lecturer from the University of Tartu who is 41 years old and whose research is related to the Estonian state in the broadest sense.  as well as to ensure the legacy of the specialists of the respective fields in Cleveron.
Krimelte OÜ Scholarship
The purpose of the scholarship is to support and recognize the research work at the University of Tartu in the Faculty of Science and Technology. Master's candidates from the Faculty of Science and Technology,  who are studying under the curriculum of chemistry are eligible to apply.
Johann von Seidlitzi stipendium
Arstiteaduskonna ning loodus- ja tehnoloogiateduskonna üliõpilaste toetuseks, kes asuvad õppima Saksamaale.
Fontes PMP stipendium
Organisatsioonide ja inimeste juhtimise valdkonnas teadustööd tegevatele doktorantidele.
Hea Tahte Fondi õpetajakoolituse stipendium
Toetab ühe õpetajakoolituse õppekaval tudeeriva üliõpilase õpinguid.
Linda Martis-Jaansoni Fond
Toetab kehakultuurialaseid magistriõpinguid Tartu Ülikoolis.
Tartu Ülikooli teaduskooli fond
Olümpiaadidel edukalt osalenud TÜ teaduskooli õpilaste toetamiseks.
Tartu Ülikooli siirdemeditsiinikeskuse (SIME) fond
Fondi eesmärk on koguda ja vahendada annetusi ning toetusi SIME ettevõtmistele.
Scholarship for internship in EU
The purpose of the Scholarship is to support students who are planning an internship at the European Commission. The scholarship is intended for bachelor and masters level students of the University of Tartu who have shown outstanding academic results.
Professor Ülo Leppik Scholarship
The aim of this scholarship is to support medical researches of diseases of the nervous system (esp. epilepsy) at the University of Tartu. Doctoral level students and physicians from the Faculty of Medicine conducting research in the field of neurology are eligible to apply.
The Jaan Einasto International Scholarship Fund
The aim of the fund is to improve the innovative development of Estonia by supporting international collaboration between the University of Tartu, Tartu Observatory, and other universities and science institutions around the world in the field of astronomy and space technology and by supporting the popularization of knowledge in order to develop a scientific worldview among the youth.
Anu Raua stipendium
Stipendiumi eesmärk on tunnustada aktiivseid TÜ Viljandi kultuuriakadeemia üliõpilasi, kes on silma paistnud ainelise kultuuripärandi uurimise ja kasutamisega.
Helga and Elmar Minnus Memorial Scholarship
The purpose of this scholarship is to support the students, young scientists and lecturers of the University of Tartu in their studies and self-improvement in universities in Sweden.
TÜ Teaduskooli Jaan Tallinna stipendium
Stipendiumifondi eesmärgiks on teaduskooli edukate õpilaste ja vilistlaste õppereiside finantseerimine.
Valda and Bernard Õun Memorial Scholarship
The aim of the fund is to recognize the research published or submitted for publication in the field of biomedicine by the students of the University of Tartu. Students of the University of Tartu (including postgraduates and PhD students) conducting research in the field of biomedicine are eligible to apply.
Corpore kommunikatsioonistipendium
Stipendiumi eesmärk on toetada TÜ ühiskonnateaduste instituudi kommunikatsioonierialade bakalaureuse- ja magistritaseme üliõpilaste õpinguid.
Alan Roy Katritzky stipendiumifond
Fondi eesmärk on toetada ja populariseerida keemiaalaseid õpinguid ja teadustööd.
ITEE stipendiumi fond
Stipendiumifondi eesmärk on koguda annetusi ja toetusi IKT valdkonna üliõpilastele stipendiumide maksmiseks.
Loova Täppisteaduse fond
Fondi eesmärk on koguda ja vahendada toetusi Tartu Ülikooli täppisteaduste valdkonna (füüsika, keemia, matemaatika) bakalaureuse-, magistri- ja doktoriõppe taseme üliõpilastele, kelle teadus- või arendustöö või muu valdkonda toetav tegevus paistab silma loovuse ja uudse lähenemise poolest.
Professor Lembit Allikmetsa stipendiumifond
Professor Lembit Allikmetsa stipendiumi eesmärk on toetada TÜ meditsiiniteaduste valdkonna arstiteaduse õppekavade üliõpilasi, kellel on väljapaistvad tulemused õppe- või teadustöös.
Kehakultuuriteaduskonna stipendium
Stipendiumi eesmärk on tunnustada kehalise kasvatuse ja spordi erialal kaitstud magistritööde põhjal koostatud ning avaldatud või avaldamiseks vastu võetud teaduspublikatsioonide autoreid, kelle magistritööde põhjal teaduspublikatsioon on koostatud.
Eesti Kindlustusseltside Liidu stipendium
Stipendiumi eesmärk on toetada Tartu Ülikooli kindlustus- ja finantsmatemaatika eesti- ja inglisekeelsetel magistriõppekavadel õppivate üliõpilaste õpinguid ning kindlustada vastava eriala spetsialistide järelkasv Eestis.
Cleveron AS Scholarship
The Cleveron AS Scholarship was created in 2017 with the purpose of supporting students of the bachelor's curriculum of computer engineering, the studies of students of the master's curriculum of robotics and computer engineering in English, bachelor's and master's curriculum of physics and bachelor's and master's curriculum of computer science of the University of Tartu, as well as to ensure the legacy of the specialists of the respective fields in Cleveron. The Scholarship is financed by Cleveron AS
Teacher training scholarship of the Goodwill Fund
The scholarship supports successful full-time students from all the teacher training programmes at the University of Tartu.
Estonian Geoinformatics Society Scholarship
The objectiv of the scholarship is to support the students of geoinformatics, cartography and other closely related specialities or the specialists working in similar fields in their professional development abroad and to help students and specialists in these fields in the development of their careers and acquiring diverse experience.
Scholarship fund for visiting professors from the Estonian Diaspora
The programme for visiting professors from the Estonian Diaspora has been created to promote collaboration between  the academic community of the University of Tartu with top researchers and professors of Estonian descent from around the world.
Statute of the Scholarship of Igor and Kristy Ilinsky
The aim of this scholarship is to support young Estonian neurologists/neuroscientists who want to study and improve their skills in the field of modern (and evolving) treatments in movement disorders, especially dyskinesias, and gain in-depth knowledge of the underlying scientific principles of these disorders. The scholarship is funded by Igor Ilinsky and Heli-Kristy Kultas-Ilinsky.
Peeter Põld Scholarship
The aim of the Peeter Põld Scholarship is to enhance the recognition of the teaching profession in Estonia and support teacher training students in their studies and research.
Fund of XRP Ledger Trust
The Fund aims to explore and develop innovative uses of decentralised technologies, such as the XRP Ledger, to address societal and environmental challenges such as supply chain management, cross-border remittances, legal implications, decentralised marketplaces, digital payments, fraud prevention, IoT systems, renewable energy, etc. The goal is to promote sustainability and social impact while enhancing transparency, accountability, security, and efficiency.
University of Tartu scholarship fund for Ukrainian students
The University of Tartu is establishing a scholarship fund to collect and mediate funds to support the studies of talented and active students with Ukrainian citizenship and very good academic performance at the University of Tartu. The scholarship is eligible to students at the University of Tartu with Ukrainian citizenship, who are studying based on the study programmes of first and second level of higher education, and whose studies are taking place in Estonia, except when they have been admitted to study abroad.
Anni Jürine Scholarship Fund
Anni Jürine scholarship was established in May 2021 by the Institute of Estonian and General Linguistics of the University of Tartu, OÜ Keelekord, MTÜ Eesti Kognitiivse Keeleteaduse Ühing, NB! Write (Nordic and Baltic Network for Writing in Higher Education), Anni’s family, colleagues and friends. The scholarship supports the research and popularisation of Anni’s research topics – writing of academic texts and development of grammatical units – at the University of Tartu. The University of Tartu Foundation (hereinafter foundation) announces the recipients of the scholarship every year on 15 February on their website (
University of Tartu Seventh Pillar Fund
The University of Tartu Seventh Pillar Fund  was established by the University of Tartu and the University of Tartu Foundation in 1998 to support students in their studies and research with a scholarship. The scholarship may be awarded to the university’s bachelor’s students in their last two years of studies, master’s and doctoral students.